Want More SEO Traffic? Check Our

Your brand deserves to be at the top of Google Search. Our backlink service will help your keywords rank and drive referral traffic to your website.

Keyword analysis & Segmentations

Crucial for effective link building, helping identify high-value keywords and target specific audience segments.

High authority content marketing

Involves creating and distributing valuable, credible content to establish expertise, attract quality backlinks, and boost search engine rankings.

4-Step Process


Research and Analysis

We start by identifying our target audience and analyzing potential backlink opportunities through a thorough SEO audit.


Content Creation

Next, we create high-quality, relevant content such as guest posts and infographics to attract backlinks.


Custom Outreach

Then, we reach out to relevant websites and bloggers with personalized pitches to secure backlinks.


Monitoring and Reporting

Finally, we track and measure the performance of our link-building campaigns, making adjustments as needed.

dr ishwar bohra
Chris Barett

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Our Services

Unique campaigns tailored to your brand’s goals for high-quality links.

Guest Posting

Securing posts on authoritative industry sites to increase visibility.

Replacing broken links with your content to improve user experience.

Competitor Analysis

Analyzing competitors to identify backlink opportunities.

HARO (Help a Reporter Out)

Gaining high-authority backlinks by responding to journalist queries.

Skyscraper Technique

Creating superior content to attract more backlinks and drive traffic.

Simple Pricing


Startup Plan 🚀

Best for small businesses, startups

🔗 8+ Backlinks Per Month

Average DR 30-70 links

Competitor Backlink Gap Analysis


Pro Plan 🧠

Scale your organic traffic and sales.

🔗 15+ Links Per Month

Authority Links Included

Target Page Planning


Growth 💪

Dominate the Top 10 results on Google!

🔗 25+ Links Per Month

Internal Linking Optimization

Can spread across multiple projects

Some Love From Our Clients

Cannibals are SEO ninjas! They not only optimized our site but secured high-authority backlinks. Organic leads skyrocketed, proving their expertise is golden.”

itamar ben yair

Itamar Ben Yair

Ex-SEO Head, Monday.com

“ Aloukik and his team turned our ‘canvas prints’ search ranking from also-ran to runner-up. In 4 years, they haven’t devoured our budget, just our competition. Thanks Guys!”

Chris Barett

Chris Barett

Ex-VP, Canvaspop

“I was impressed by their subject matter expertise and marketing skills. Highly recommended for any eCommerce content marketing needs.”

boh tjarks

Boh Tjarks

CEO, Visible-Ads.com

What is a link building service?

A link building service is a specialized SEO strategy offered by digital marketing agencies to improve a website’s visibility and search engine ranking. It involves creating strategies to get other websites to link back to your site, thereby increasing your site’s authority, driving traffic, and enhancing its performance in search engine results pages (SERPs).

What are the Benefits of Link Building?

Link building offers numerous benefits, including improved search engine rankings, increased organic traffic, enhanced site authority, broader brand visibility, and better long-term ROI. By acquiring high-quality backlinks from reputable sites, you boost your site’s credibility and attract more visitors, ultimately driving business growth.

What does a link building agency do?

A link-building agency improves your website’s search engine ranking by acquiring high-quality backlinks from reputable sites. At Cannibals Media, we analyze your site and industry, create a tailored link-building plan, develop valuable content, connect with relevant websites and influencers, and monitor the performance of acquired backlinks to ensure optimal results.

How much should I pay for link building?

At Cannibals Media, we have simple and transparent pricing starting from $1500 per month. Pricing varies based on the quality, strategy, and scope of the project. Prices can range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars per month. We focus on providing a high return on investment (ROI) by aligning our services with your marketing budget and goals, ensuring you get the best value for your investment.

Is link building legal?

Yes, link building is legal when done ethically. At Cannibals Media, we follow best practices to ensure that our link-building strategies comply with search engine guidelines, focusing on creating valuable, relevant content and building genuine relationships with reputable websites. This ethical approach helps improve your website’s search engine rankings without risking penalties.