What to Replace Social Media With? 6 Things

According to a study, 63% of people from the age group 12-27 are addicted to social media. Do you ever feel depressed or alone after using too much social media? Are you searching for ways to improve your mental health and substitute social media?

There are many answers to the question: What to replace social media with? For example, reading, online learning, joining a local club, learning a sport, etc. Many meditation techniques will help you control the urge to use social media.

Continue reading if you want to improve your lifestyle and if you’re going to learn about some valuable substitutes for social media.

What To Replace Social Media With? 6 Best Things

If you also sometimes wonder: What to use social media with? Here are the activities that you should try:


Getting out of the house and moving makes your body release endorphins. Endorphins give your mind a sense of happiness and naturally improve your mood.


Join a Gym

Physical workouts help you improve your physical health as well as release endorphins. Endorphins make you feel satisfied and happy. Physical workouts will keep you in shape and motivate you to improve your eating habits.

Play/Learn a sport

Playing a sport with friends is a proven way to relieve stress and be happy. This way, you can connect offline with friends, and the urge to use social media will decrease considerably. The gym might be expensive or intensive for working-class people; thus, playing sports is the best activity recommended for them.

Online Courses/Skills

Learning new things that interest you will keep you indulged and away from social media. Watch educational and self-improvement things like TED Talks, Shark Tank, etc. Learning new things will increase your knowledge and keep your brain active and healthy.


Books in your free time or before bed are very calming and will keep you away from the urge to look into your phone and check social media apps constantly.

Work on a Project

You can work on basic projects like painting a portrait or making a music video. Working on projects will give your brain the creative rush and a sense of achievement.

Work on a Project

Understanding the Impact of Social Media

Social Impacts:

Social skills decline: Students spending more time on social media are less likely to report close friendships. (U. Chicago, 2017)

Comparison and envy: Increased social media use correlates with jealousy towards others. (U. California, Berkeley, 2019)

Hate speech

  •  26% of online users have experienced harassment or abuse based on identity factors. (Anti-Defamation League, 2020)
  • Since the release of smartphones, internal health enterprises have increased their presence in children and adults.
  • From 2009 to 2017, it has grown by 67% in grown-up periods between 18 and 25. passing cerebral torture in a given month grew 71 in youthful grown-ups from 2008 to 2017.
  • Indeed, worse, the rate of suicidal studies in young adults increased by 47 during that same time.

Depression and Anxiety

Spending extended time on social networking spots could negatively affect your mood. People addicted to social media generally report poor mental health, including symptoms of anxiety and depression. It takes more than expert thinking to figure out why.

Depression and Anxiety

Social media lets you see the precisely named stylish corridor of everyone’s lives, which you also compare to the negatives in your life( that only you see). Still, re-consider the networks you use and ask what to replace social media with? and the people you follow if you worry after a social media session.

Negative Impacts on Body Image

You will likely find beautiful people wearing precious clothes on their impeccably shaped bodies on famous accounts. And not to surprise, body image is now an issue for nearly everyone.  Of course, seeing so many perfect people ( according to society’s norms) daily makes you conscious of how different you look from that filmland. 

It’s essential to remember that everybody is mortal. One wakes up every day looking like a supermodel, and while numerous people have gone to great lengths to train their bodies, that is not the case for everyone who looks fit.

Unhealthy Sleep Patterns

On top of the cases of anxiety and depression, another bad thing about social media is that spending too much time on it can lead to poor sleep. Multitudinous studies have shown that increased use of social media hurts your sleep quality. 

Do not let social media algorithms, designed to keep your attention for as long as possible, steal your precious sleep, too. Getting lower sleep and lower quality sleep is a dangerous, unhealthy combination.

See Also: Why is Social Media so Attractive for Consumers?

 Personal Stories and Case Studies

Here are some well-known celebrities who have publicly spoken about their struggles with social media and their efforts to recover:

Selena Gomez

  • Struggles

In many interviews, Salena Gomez has spoken openly about the anxiety and pressure she felt due to her presence on social media. This has negatively impacted her self-esteem and mental well-being.

Selena gomez

  • Recovery journey

She has limited her social media presence and tried to be more private. Now, she uses Discord to connect with fans in a more controlled environment. She encourages her followers to prioritize real-life connections and focus on personal growth.

Russell Brand

  • Struggles

Russell Brand has admitted to struggling with social media and the pressure. Social media has affected him negatively regarding his attention span and relationships.

  • Recovery journey

He has promoted and spoken for minimal technology use and minimal use of digital practices. He also encourages people to set boundaries and be alert about their online time, emphasizing the importance of real-world interactions in his interviews.

Emma Watson

  • Confession

In many interviews, Emma Watson has expressed that social media has impacted her mental health in a concerning way.

  • Recovery journey

She promotes and speaks for digital literacy and responsible online behavior. She promotes initiatives that promote healthy relationships and minimal technology and social media use.

See Also: The Role and Importance of Social Media in Communication

Managing the Transition Away from Social Media

Managing the Transition Away from Social Media

11 Tips for Taking a Social Media Break:

1. Temporary Detox

Start with a 12-hour break to experiment with life without social media and see how it feels.

2. Buddy Up

Find a friend to join your detox journey for mutual support and accountability.

3. Identify Culprits

Use apps like Moment to understand which apps consume the most time.

4. Talk to Loved Ones

Ask your family and friends for their observations about your phone habits.

5. Physical Barrier

Put a rubber band around your phone to disrupt mindless picking up.

6. Redesign Lock Screen

Create a lock screen with prompts to question your phone use.

7. Protect Your Attention

Treat your time and attention as precious resources to be used wisely.

8. Phone Bedtime

Set a specific time when your phone goes off duty until the next morning.

9. Real Alarm Clock

Ditch your phone as an alarm and use a separate clock to avoid morning social media scrolling.

10. App Time Limits

Utilize apps like Freedom to set blocks and prevent access to social media during specific times.

11. Organize Your Home Screen

Move social media apps to a separate folder for easier avoidance.

See Also: 5 Creative Social Media Campaign Examples


How can I replace social media in my life?

Take slow steps to reduce the use of phones and online activity. Start going out more and interact more with people. Find some hobby that makes you happy.

Should I quit social media?

Social media is a significant distraction, but quitting social media is not the solution. Minimize the use of social media or use it in a positive way like connecting with your friends.

How can I talk without social media?

You can talk to your friends and family in an old-fashioned way, i.e., use Skype/FaceTime or just voice call them.

Can I make friends without social media?

There are better ways to make good friends than social media. Join a local club or community center and try socializing there. Play sports and make sports buddies.


Life is short, and you should live it to the fullest. It would help if you did not waste it using too much TikTok and Instagram. These tips can help you improve your mental health, free from the constant pull of social media, and reclaim control over your time and attention.

We should ask ourselves: What to replace social media with? Ao, find what works best for you, and be patient with yourself.

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