Keyword Density: How many keywords should I use for SEO?


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Keyword density is known as the keyword frequency. When a specific keyword displays on the webpage, a certain number of times compared to the total word count, it is known as keyword density. This figure is usually represented in the form of a percentage or ratio, where a higher number depicts more use of that particular keyword.


This question often arises: how many keywords should I use for SEO? To determine this, there is a formula. Divide the number of times a keyword gets displayed on your page by the total number of words and then multiply it by 100 to get the answer in percentage form. You can also use keyword density analyzing tools for this purpose.

To know more about what keyword density is known as and how they can optimize your webpage, keep reading this article till the end. We have listed many valuable insights that would help you establish your digital presence.

What is keyword density?

Keyword density is an index or metric that determines how many keywords are used in a piece of content about the total number of words used in the article. Based on this, it improves SEO quality and ranks your content. Also known as “keyword frequency.” Use long-tail keywords if you want conversion rates to outpace visitor numbers.

long tail keyword

 Long-tail keywording employs longer words or phrases to increase the likelihood that Google will rank relevant pages for a specific keyword, making it easier for users to find those pages.

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There are several methods for locating long-tail keywords

Observe how Google’s “automatic” recommendation, which consists of a few phrases appearing on the search intent before you finish your search, works. Use modifiers like what, how, etc., and research your competitors. For identifying long-tail keywords that you can use in your article, there are various website resources accessible.

A long-tail keyword example

Food as a keyword (less specific); handmade Chinese food as a long tail keyword (more specific). You may rank higher if your keyword contains more specific words.

Keyword density: Is it essential?

Users often type relevant terms into search engines like Google, and no one will type a complete paragraph. Because of this, search engines include keywords in their ranking factors. So, SEO professionals advise employing targeted keywords to appear in the top results. Therefore, when you produce an article, do preliminary keyword research to help you rank better and increase conversion rates.

How can you practice your keyword density?

Avoid keyword stuffing: Adding the same word repeatedly won’t improve your ranking; refrain from doing so.

keyword stuffing

Instead, concentrate on providing relevant content or organizing your essay to cover the subject, including any subheadings or subtopics adequately.

What does “keyword stuffing” mean?

As was previously said, “keyword stuffing” repeatedly uses a particular keyword to raise its search engine ranking. It will artificialize the entire text and make it difficult for the reader to understand.

How many keywords should I use for SEO?

To determine the keyword, a formula is available. You can calculate it by dividing the number of times a keyword appeared on your page by the total number of pages and multiplying the result to get a percentage.

Consider the following scenario: someone asked you to write a 100-word article. The main keyword should only appear 2% of the time; the keyword density fluctuates based on how many words are in the article.

keyword density

The method for calculating keyword density is shown below.


TW stands for total words, KD represents keyword density, and KWa stands for keyword appearance.

For instance, if you’re writing an article about the most excellent supermarkets in Paris, you should limit the keyword density to a maximum of 2%; otherwise, your article won’t be excellent. The keyword should appear around 26 times in this 1000-word article.

Another method of determining keyword density involves using web tools, such as a keyword density analyzer explicitly created for that purpose.

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Does Google use keyword metatags on its website?

No, they did not use this method to rank their search results on their official page on Google Search Central (September 21, 2009). Google has no ideal keyword density for its ranking variables, but it is advisable to avoid keyword stuffing if individuals want their page to rank higher. To be precise, your content should sound authentic rather than manufactured.


The most recent SEO method for choosing the ideal keyword is called TF-IDF. It is used to describe the concept of “term frequency-inverse document frequency,” which is calculated using a machine learning technique to count the instances of a word in a word document, which is also scaled logarithmically to discover relevant keywords. It is an advanced method of determining keyword density.


So this was all about How many keywords should I use for SEO?

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What is keyword density, for example?

Keyword density is an index or metric that determines how many keywords are used in a piece of content about the total number of words used in the article. Based on this, it improves SEO quality and ranks your content. The specific keyword use should be around 2% or less. For example, write a 500-word article about any topic. You can use 12 times the specific keyword to avoid keyword stuffing.

What is good keyword density?

The ideal strategy to create an article with a good keyword density is to make the content relevant rather than filling it with keywords to rank higher in search engines. If readers can read it without difficulty, you’re OK to go.

How many keywords are too many for SEO?

The keyword density should not exceed 2% percent. SEO experts suggest that the ideal article should use the specific keyword not more than 22 times per 1000 articles.

How do I monitor keyword ranking?

SEMrush, Ahrfs, Accuranker, Ubersuggest, and many other online tools are available for monitoring your website.

What is keyword volume?

For SEO, keyword volume is crucial. The volume is the typical monthly or annual number of times users search for a specific keyword. For example, during the Covid times, the number of searches for the phrase Covid may be larger than usual.


According to SEO experts, keyword density is less critical than it once was because it is no longer a consideration in Google’s ranking algorithms. They have implemented several algorithm changes to serve their audience better. But remember that a wrong article example uses too many keywords or keyword stuffing.

I hope you have got an answer to the question: How many keywords should I use for SEO?

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